General Rules in Subject Verb Agreement

6 Apr, 2023

Subject-verb agreement is a critical aspect of writing. It ensures that there is consistency in your writing and that your message is clear and easy to understand. It is a crucial component of good grammar and effective communication.

Here are some general rules in subject-verb agreement:

1. A singular subject takes a singular verb, and a plural subject takes a plural verb.

For example:

– The boy runs to the park. (singular subject and verb)

– The boys run to the park. (plural subject and verb)

2. When a compound subject is joined by “and,” it takes a plural verb.

For example:

– John and Jane are going to the concert. (plural subject and verb)

3. When a compound subject is joined by “or” or “nor,” the verb agrees with the nearest subject.

For example:

– Either John or Jane is going to the concert. (singular verb because “Jane” is closer to the verb)

4. Singular subjects that end in “s” or “ss” take singular verbs.

For example:

– The bus arrives at 3 pm. (singular subject and verb)

– The class recesses at noon. (singular subject and verb)

5. Collective nouns such as “team,” “family,” or “company” can take either a singular or plural verb depending on the context.

For example:

– The team is celebrating its victory. (singular verb emphasizes unity)

– The team are arguing over who gets the MVP award. (plural verb emphasizes individuality)

6. Indefinite pronouns such as “anyone,” “someone,” or “everyone” require singular verbs.

For example:

– Anyone can join the club. (singular subject and verb)

7. When subjects are separated by phrases such as “along with,” “as well as,” or “together with,” the verb agrees with the first subject.

For example:

– The book, along with the pen and paper, is on the desk. (singular verb because “book” is the first subject)

8. When subjects are joined by “either/or” or “neither/nor,” the verb agrees with the subject closest to it.

For example:

– Neither the teacher nor the students were interested in the lecture. (plural verb because “students” is closer to the verb)

Following these general rules will help you improve your subject-verb agreement, making your writing clearer and more effective. Remember to always proofread your work to ensure that your subjects and verbs are in agreement.

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